Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Day

So, new diary. For the record- I only got you because Mum was buying and my old diary got chewed up by Tibs, my dad's dog. You're really just a normal human [human is actually crossed out, but I can't do that here.] muggle notebook. Muggles are humans that can't work magic. That's the majority. Everyone else is a wizard or witch. Or something different altogether that I don't know about yet. I mean, after learning about the wizards, I can believe anything is possible. On my birthday (December 31) I got a letter (and most people don't get mail on New Year's Eve.) telling me that I had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My mum and dad (both muggles) were baffled. I was pretty sure it was a prank. But it wasn't. I also got a letter telling me what I would need for the school year, and my mum and dad got one telling them to go into a pub called the Leaky Cauldron and ask someone there to help us get into the wizard's shopping area. (I haven't memorized all these names yet. There's so many! I'm pretty sure the headmaster's name is McGonagall.)

Wait- before I go any further, I'd like to describe myself to you.
I have long hair. Sometimes it looks ginger and sometimes just brown. I have really pretty eyes, with long lashes, but they're kind of light. I'm pretty tall, maybe the size of someone a year older than me. I'm also well rounded (if you catch my drift) and skinny. I have freckles and glasses, but I don't really need them. My lips are full and naturally pink. All in all, I'm fairly good looking. (Aside from a slightly long nose and some zits.)

Anyway, while we were picking up my school supplies (A number of them were very odd. A wand? Pewter cauldron?) Mum saw a teashop called Rosa Lee Teabag and told us to meet her there in a hour. I looked at my letter again and noticed it said I could bring a cat or toad or owl. I don't know about you, but I thought that was weird. Cats are common, frogs are east to catch, but where in the world would I get a owl? So after dad and I got everything on my list except a wand, (we wanted to do that with mum.) we wandered around. We saw a whole shop of broomsticks and a group of kids stood around the window. I think one was called Albus. (That's what I heard others call him.) He was really cute. Then I saw his dad come by for him.
"Come on, Albus. You know first years can't have broomsticks," he said.
"You did, Dad," replied Albus.
"If you're as good as I was -and we all know you are- and the captain's as desperate, maybe you will too." the dad said as they walked off.
"Bye, Albus! Bye Mr. Harry!" called one of the boys after them.

Maybe Albus was going to Hogwarts. It wouldn't be to bad if he was. As my dad and I walked we came upon Owl Emporium or something. As afore stated- I don't remember all these names. I could see through the glass window a bunch of live owls. People were leaving the store with owls as well. I pulled Dad inside. I walked around, looking at snowy owls, barn owls, all sorts! Then I saw a adorable dwarf owl with big yellow eyes. I was in love.
"Oh, Dad!" I called. He pushed his way to my side.
"What, Lottie?"
I pointed to the owl. "Isn't it tots adorb?" I shrieked.
"Tots....adorb?" My dad has no idea of modern teen language.
"Totally adorable, Dad." I rolled my eyes.
"Umm, Yeah, Lottie. It is. But you can't get a pet -and of all pets a owl- right before you got to school. I don't want to take care of it, and your mother doesn't either."

I showed him my note. "See? At the bottom it says I can bring a owl. Please?" I begged.
"We still have to give you a wand..."
"Yeah, I'm sure we have enough. You traded like five hundred dollars into wizarding money. I KNOW there's enough! Please? You don't have to get me a bike as my birthday present."
(My parents had promised me a bike for my birthday, but were late in getting it.)

My dad sighed heavily. "Oh, all right Lottie. But remember- no bike! I suppose I'll have to buy food too?" he asked.
"Oh, thanks SO much dad!" I picked up the cage my owl was in and took it to the front of the store.
"How much?" my dad asked the lady.
"Twenty-five galleons." She replied. "The gold ones," she said as Dad hesitated. He counted out twenty-five golden wizard money. I was practicably jumping up and down, I was so excited!

"His name is Raymond, but I'll call him Ray for short!" I told Dad. He chuckled, shifting my cauldron holding all my books and robes and scales and stuff. (Oh- I remembered the area's name: Diagon Alley.)
"Well, we have another half hour to kill while we wait for your mum. Shall we walk around some more?"

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